
A Design Festival For People Who Use Type.

The event series takes place June 12–22, 2023, and is devoted to contemporary typography, with talks, workshops, and tours focusing on where typography is today and where its future may lie.

The Venue

A large brown building with a clock at the top.

Most of the Typographics festival will take place at The Cooper Union, in the East Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City.

Founded as a tuition-free college by philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, the school is the alma mater of many noteworthy typographers and lettering artists including Herb Lubalin, Milton Glaser, Seymour Chwast, and Lou Dorfsman. Cooper is home of the Type@Cooper typeface design program as well as the Herb Lubalin Study Center, an archive of modern graphic design.

Where to Stay:
Hotels with Discounts

Holiday Inn Lower East Side: Typographics attendees are offered a preferred rate starting at $219 per night for reservations June 11–21, 2023. Reservations made before March 15, 2022, will also receive an additional $15 early bird discount. For the preferred rate use this discount link.

Hotel Indigo Lower East Side: Typographics attendees are offered a preferred rate starting at $299 per night for reservations June 11th–21st, 2023. Offer expires May 11, 2023. For the preferred rate use this discount link.